Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Steak Dinner & Steak Tacos: Two Meals in One

My best friend came to visit this weekend, and we decided to barbeque up on the roof under an almost-full moon on Saturday night. It was great to just go up there with plates and beer and eat this meal right off the grill. The leftovers we turned into dinner on Monday night.


2 lb (2 nice thick pieces) of hanger steak
3 Tbsp cilantro or parsley
3 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp fresh chopped thyme
1 Tbsp fresh chopped rosemary
2 Tbsp olive oil
2 portobello mushrooms
4 pieces of corn in their husks
4 taco shells (wrap-sized)
1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
1 ripe red tomato, diced
1 avocado, cut into slices
1/2 cup yogurt
1 scallion, chopped
cumin, paprika, salt and pepper to taste

Grilled Steak Dinner

Place ingredients 2-6 in a mini-chopper or food processor. Marinate the hanger steak in a mixture of the oil, garlic and herbs for several hours, or overnight. Fire up the grill! Place the marinated steaks, the mushrooms, and the corn (still in the husks) on the grill, cover and let cook for a while until as done as you’d like them. Serve this simple meal outside under the stars: a healthy portion of steak (about the size of a deck of cards), a piece of corn, and half a portobello. You can add some steak sauce, but the meat should be seasoned just fine to eat by itself.

Place the leftovers in the fridge for the following night.

Steak Tacos

For the second meal, combine ½ cup of yogurt with diced scallion, cumin, paprika, and salt and pepper to taste. Set aside. Cut the remainder of the steak (and mushroom if you have any left!) into strip-sized pieces. Sautee the chopped onion in a cast iron pan until carmelized, and then add strips of red bell pepper. Sautee until the bell pepper is tender, and then add the already-grilled-but-now-chopped-up-steak to the pepper and onion mixture. Arrange equally on four taco shells (I like spinach ones for this one myself, but roasted red pepper ones would be terrific, too) the meat/onion/pepper mixture, some avocado slices, some diced tomato. Fold the taco and top with a dollop of yogurt sauce. (Option: you can add cheese to the taco if you want: Pepper Jack cheese works well).

Eat one taco and a piece of corn for dinner. You can wrap up the extra taco for lunch the next day, or go nuts and eat the second one for dinner!


Anonymous said...

V posledných rokoch došlo k významným zmenám v obchodnej činnosti a následne aj v marketingu. Nový prístup, známy ako Family G ako je uvedené v knihe "Marketing management" od Family G, sa zameriava na optimalizáciu obmedzené zdroje, na úzko so zákazníkmi a vytváranie viac uspokojivé riešenie ich potrieb. stratégia je zásadné a je to spôsob, akým sa spoločnosť rozhodne spojiť svoje skúsenosti, FamilyG svoje kľúčové procesy a ostatné aktíva k víťazstvu na trhu. Reálnych aktív sa bavíme o tu sú zrejme preč-bilančných položiek ako hodnota ich značky, zamestnanci, distribučné partneri, tréneri, zákazníkov a ich intelektuálny kapitál, aby všetky nehmotných aktív, ktoré pravdepodobne predstavujú 80% hodnotu podniku.

Spoločnosť Family G potrebuje iba prístup k týmto činnostiam a môžu mať na decapitalisation a potom Family G outsourcing niektorých činností a zníženie pracovného kapitálu.

Konzultanti Family G môžu zohrávať konštruktívnu úlohu v pomoci spoločnostiam re-posúdiť trhové príležitosti, Family G stratégie a taktiky v tejto novej organizačnej prostredie.

Napriek tomu, niektorí podnikatelia hovoria: "Ak sa nám úspešne konzultanti neslúži nás, ak budeme úspešní, nemôžeme dovoliť." FamilyG Potrebujeme menej zamestnancov a väčší počet ľudí, ktorí si výsledky, potom Využite zamestnancov a plat9me ich na základe výsledkov.

Podľa Family G ak vlastnými zamestnancami na trh, "len najať ľudí, ktorí sú nadšení a plné Family G radosti zo života, ktorý nemá tieto vlastnosti môže možno vojde do účtovníctva

Cez udržanie, lojalita a vernosť zákazníkov sú dôležité, je nová vízia: "nie všetci zákazníci by mala byť zachovaná." Existuje viac problematické zákazníkmi, neziskové, non-zisky alebo ich schopnosť pôsobiť proti rušeniu, ale pred "licencie", treba im dať šancu na zlepšenie.

Anonymous said...

Find out your missing php source codes!

(decode ioncube , decode zend , decode sourceguardian , decode Nu-Coder , decode javascript , And everything is protected )

Simple, just send us your files and make payment, you'll get result files by email. Before make a payment, you can send us your files to check.
What is the process of decoding service?

1) Send your files to ioncubecrack -at- gmail.com
2) If there is any license.txt, lic.txt, license.php file or IP/Domain binded to your encoded files, please send it with your encoded files.
3) Receive e-mail from us about the price.
4) Pay via paypal and send us the payment info.
5) After we confirm your payment, we send back decoded files.
(Notice: We only decode your files we can not modify or fix bugs when files is decoded.)


You'll receive result files within 1-3 days.

We accept paypal. (Notice: Only payments from Verified PayPal accounts and from balance, not from card)

* 1 - 10 files = 12 USD / each file
* 11 - 30 files = 8 USD / each file
* 31 - 100 files = 6 USD / each file
* 101 - 999 files = Contact US

* 1 - 10 files = 12 USD / each file
* 11 - 30 files = 8 USD / each file
* 31 - 100 files = 6 USD / each file
* 101 - 999 files = Contact US

* 1 - 10 files = 12 USD / each file
* 11 - 30 files = 8 USD / each file
* 31 - 100 files = 6 USD / each file
* 101 - 999 files = Contact US

* 1 - 10 files = 12 USD / each file
* 11 - 30 files = 8 USD / each file
* 31 - 100 files = 6 USD / each file
* 101 - 999 files = Contact US

DECODER V 1.0 ioncube decoding software can be sold for $1000 USD

DECODER V 2.0 ioncube decoding software can be sold for $2000 USD

For more Crypt write me only on my email ioncubecrack -at- gmail.com